• जम्मू और कश्मीर सरकार |
  • حکومت جموں و کشمیر
Q: I want to start a Sheep Farm, How is Sheep Husbandry department helpful in this manner. A: Technical guidance is being provided at every step, be it the purchase of Livestock, construction of shelters, also Logistic support is being provided like in terms of medication, free of cost breeding cover in terms of High Quality Breeding Rams being provided.
Q: Which breed is better for gaining more profit in less time? A: Selection of breed depends upon the area where the sheep farm is to be established, keeping in view the climate and topography of Kashmir division, Kashmir Merino is the considering the best suitable breed. In case of Hortipastoral system like if you have enough orchard land you can have Corriedale breed as it is the best breed as they are polled and have short stature, these two characters make this breed best suitable for grazing in orchards
Q: How much land is required to start 25 Ewes Sheep Unit? A: 8 sq.ft. Per animal, it is the accurate space required per animal, so for 25 Ewes, you may need 200 sq.ft. Shed. In addition to this if you have more land,i t is more advantageous as far as feeding or grazing area is concerned.
Q: How is your department helpful in providing Logistic support or medical support? A: Our employees will assist you in choosing the best breed by taking in view the genotypic and phenotypic characters, selection of hybrid breed, wool qualities, length of legs, scrotal girth, our technical experts can say which breed is best for your start up and will help you in choosing those breeds. We also give you medicines on subsidized rates and all the services are being provided at your door step , free of cost breeding cover is being provided by the department by providing you a Hybrid Ram of Superior Quality
Q: Is there any insurance scheme which will be helpful in case of any calamity. A: It is mandatory to cover your Livestock with insurance as far as government schemes are concerned, but the insurance has to borne by breeder, as department is not providing any insurance policy.
Q: How many times an animal is to be sheared in a year. A: Two times in a year, pre migration and post migration from Highland Pastures.
Q: Is it necessary to send the livestock to Highland Pastures during summer. A: Yes, it is important to send your livestock to Highland Pastures, the sheep is an animal which is Heat Stress Prone, so it is very difficult for such an animal to remain in plains during high temperature. It gets its favourable temperature only in Highland Pastures. Also there is enough availability of Nutrition's grasses on Highland Pastures. There are also some grasses which are Anti Parasitic and thus help the livestock to remain free from some parasitcl diseases. Another most benefit of Highland Pastures is that you don't need to put any expenses on feeding of animals at Highland Pastures.
Q: What are the different Schemes providing by your department? A: There are various schemes currently our department is providing, Click Here to scheme details.
Q: Is there any particular vaccination/dosing schedule to be maintained for the livestock A: Yes, you have to follow the vaccination/dosing schedule provided by our department.
For Vaccination schedule Click Here
For Dosing schedule Click Here
Q: What are the various nutrition requirements during winter for the livestock? A: Winter is an hurdle for sheep rearing in Kashmir Division, so stall feeding is the only option during winters, concentrates are also given which can be brought from the market.
i. Concentrate feed @ 500gm/adult animal/day and hay @1.5 kg/animal/day.
ii. Chopped vegetables like carrots, turnips @ 0.5kg /Pregnant Ewe/Doe/day.
iii. Molasses @ 30-60 gms /day/pregnant Ewe/Doe to prevent pregnancy toxaemia.
iv. Creep ration (crushed maize 40%, wheat bran 20%, oats 15%, ground nut cake 21%, mineral mixture 1.5%, salt 1%, molasses 1.5%) @ 50-100 gms /lamb/kid/day.
v. Legumes should be mixed with bhusa to prevent bloat.
vi. Ensure clean, fresh and lukewarm water in adequate quantities to prevent colic and impaction.
vii. Strictly avoid early morning grazing on frosty herbs and snow covered grasses which otherwise cause's huge losses by way of diseases like Braxy/Bradsot.
viii. Additional feed increments to pregnant / lactating animals to prevent metabolic disorders.
Q: What are the various requirements for makings suitable shelter in winter for the livestock? A: i. The shed should be warm (about 20 C) but properly ventilated to avoid accumulation of ammonia gas which predisposes to respiratory animals.
ii. The floor of the shed should be clean and dry to prevent foot rot, coccidiosis and other diseases.
iii. Suitable bedding like dry leaves, rags, bhusa, saw dust etc to a thickness of 4-6 inches should be used to prevent from cold.
iv. Adequate space for animals to prevent overcrowding.
Q: Is there any extra care to be taken for pregnant ewes and new born babies. A: yes extra care is to be provided, Pregnant animals can be dosed with pregnancy safe anthelmintics like Closental whenever required. However avoiding of any medication during pregnancy is desirable.
Don't use Albendazole and Mebendazole - in 1st trimester of pregnancy.
Molasses @ 30-60 gms /day/pregnant Ewe/Doe to prevent pregnancy toxaemia
Use of Anti coccidial drugs to prevent coccidial disease in new born lambs/kids.
Coccidiostats should be given to lambs and kids whenever required.
Q: What are the various methods to keep the unshorn wool clean? A: Avoid over crowding, timely dipping, shed must be clean hygienic, you can also use some specific shampoos which can be brought from the market.
Q: How can an animal be protected from various Ectoparasitic and endoparastic diseases? A: For ectopararities you can have timely dipping, Ivermectin injection, timely shearing.
For endoparasites you can use clean pasture concept which means deworming and dosing before migration to highland pastures also keeping the sheds clean and doing timely dosing, deworming and vaccination after the downward migration of livestock from highland pastures.